








Life course

young adult


Chronic conditions and / or social needs


broadband, smart phone
Millie is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD – specifically Asperger’s Syndrome) and has a learning disability. She attends mainstream school with a special educational needs unit attached. She lives at home with her mother and younger sister. Her older sister lives nearby.

Internet usage

Mobile device skills

Affinity to new tech

Digital Health Literacy

Assistance (ICT use)

What's important to Millie

– Spending time with her sisters, friends, and boyfriend.
– Enjoys pop music, watching musicals; really likes baking.
– Her possessions (make-up, clothes, phone, etc.) – she is annoyed easily when people touch her things.

Health concerns

– Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
– Asperger’s – difficulties in social interaction; repetitive patterns of behaviour/interests
– Overweight, possible diabetes
– Episodes of echolalia: repetition of noises / phrases (psychiatric disorder symptom)

Daily living

– Can bathe and dress herself but sometimes needs reminders.
– Does not like tidying up.
– Wants her own room since her sister often touches her possessions.

Health tests

Annual health check with GP, including:
– Review of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
– Speech and language intervention
– Behaviour & mental health review
– Medication review
– Physical examination

Events, issues & personal concerns

– Aggressive outbursts
– Worried about being teased for being fat
– Lack of self-care
– Would like to be a chef, own a house and start a family but does not know where to start

Treatment: medications, therapies, etc.

– Regular mental health 1:1 support
– ADHD Medication for 8 years
– Speech and language through school

Own resources & assets / support

– Attends school when able and fit
– Older sister drives her places frequently
– Has violin lessons and band practice on Saturdays
– Very close to mom and sisters
– All friends live close to school (home is 3 miles away)

Care professional concerns

– Risk of getting pregnant – she has a long-term relationship and needs to consider contraception.
– She might need education on sensible alcohol consumption.
– Transitioning into adult speech and language services.
– Having spells in respite care due to her mum (carer) needing breaks.


– Millie wants to live an independent, fulfilled life while receiving support in coping with her conditions. She would like to have a supported living accommodation which reflects her ability to use technology, e.g. development of smart homes for people with learning and/or physical disabilities. It should enable her to adhere to the medication which currently her mum looks after.
– She wants to interact with other young adults with learning disabilities, through social activities and living arrangements.
– Millie requires education on key topics (birth control and sexual health, alcohol consumption).
– Millie needs to be monitored for diabetes, as she is significantly overweight.
– Travel independence – for example, driving simulations to assess car ownership after passing a driving test.

Developed by

Leo Lewis, IFIC, Donna Henderson, TEC & Digital Health & Care Innovation, Scotland, and Michael Strübin, PCHAlliance