








Life course

working age adult


Complex needs


smart phone
Aisha is a 24-year-old housewife who moved to Italy from Morocco 5 years ago with her husband. She is now in her second pregnancy, the first child is 3 years old. Already upon her arrival in Italy she was overweight, but now, after the previous pregnancy, the few physical activity and unhealthy nutrition, she has reached a BMI of 29.She does not smoke, does not drink alcohol, but feels intimately uncomfortable with her weight, and very lonely. She is intelligent and curious, but this aspects has been sacrificed by her culture. She loves her baby and respects her husband, but often compensates her sense of incompleteness and loneliness with junky food. His window of freedom on the world are the social networks, Facebook. During the obstetric visit at the clinic they advised her to participate at  the Mitosis laboratory to learn to eat better and practice physical activity. Her husband’s resistance was overcome by the insistence of the doctor, who explained the risk of obesity in such a young woman, and the reassurance that only women will be present at the session. Aisha is hesitant to participate, but she would like to try  because she has watched  the photos of the laboratory and because the doctor tells her it  would help her lose weight. She speaks just  little Italian.

Internet usage

Mobile device skills

Affinity to new tech

Digital Health Literacy

Assistance (ICT use)

What's important to Aisha

– Being a good wife and a good mother
– Being attractive for her husband
– Knowing the world around her, even if she’s also scared of
– Taking care of herself, feeling a little more autonomous, learning Italian

Health concerns

– Overweight, almost obesity

Daily living

– Housewives, mother and wife
– She cooks, clean her home, and take care of her daughter
– No physical activity
– No social life
– Watches soap opera on TV, tries to learn Italian by watching movies, uses social networks and chat

Health tests

– Blood pressure, glycemia, and any other test necessary for pregnancy
– Obstetric ultrasound scans

Events, issues & personal concerns

– Binge eating
– Loneliness and social margination
– No friends
– No chance to improve her social contacts
– Pregnancy

Treatment: medications, therapies, etc.

– Nothing

Own resources & assets / support

– She’s clever and curious
– She’s motivated to looseweight
– She’s young and, for the moment, healthy

Care professional concerns

– Overweight in young age and during pregnancy
– Unhealthy nutrition
– Poor physical activity


– Programs of social inclusion
– Attending Italian (free) courses
– Attending a local Mosque to make some friendships

Developed by

bySilvana Zanon, Aulss3 Serenissima – Veneto Region